English Novel Sales
English Novels offered for sale as a PFA Fundraiser
During Registration
As a convenience to families, and as a voluntary fundraiser, OPHS PFA offers for sale the required reading books for English classes at all grades and levels during the online registration period. Our fundraiser partner, Barnes & Noble, gives the PFA a generous percentage of the profit from these book sales, and we don't charge you the tax, so you also save money on the normal book price.
Students are not required to purchase these books, they are at liberty to acquire them from elsewhere, and the school will provide the novels for the students either as a physical copy they can borrow, or an online or PDF version.
However, if your student(s) would like to have their own copy to make notations in, this voluntary fundraiser is an easy way to purchase the exact editions of the books being used, while helping to support the PFA at the same time.
We send invitations to purchase these books through ParentSquare a couple of weeks before registration, and the novels can be purchased online and picked up at registration, or purchased in person on registration day.
9th Grade Books
10th Grade Books
11th Grade Books
12th Grade CP Books (Myth, Sports, Environmental, etc..)
12th Grade AP and Honors Books
Questions? Contact Kim Chadwick at novels@ophspfa.com.
Thank you for supporting OPHS PFA and happy reading!!
Summer Reading
Every summer, 10th grade Honors, 11th grade AP, and 12th grade AP English have reading assignments.
As a convenience to families, and as a voluntary fundraiser, OPHS PFA offers these books for sale. Our fundraiser partner, Barnes & Noble, gives PFA a generous percentage of the profit from these book sales, and we don't charge you the tax, so you also save money on the normal book price.
Students are not required to purchase these books, and are at liberty to acquire them from elsewhere, or may borrow them from the school.
If your student(s) would like to have their own copy to make notations in, this voluntary fundraiser is an easy way to purchase the exact editions of the books being used, while helping to support the PFA at the same time.
We send invitations to purchase these books, through ParentSquare shortly after spring break and the novels are distributed to the students before the summer break.
Questions? Contact Kim Chadwick at novels@ophspfa.com.
Thank you for supporting OPHS PFA and happy reading!!