Oak Park High School

Parent Faculty Association

OPHS PFA is an all-volunteer, non-profit, that works to enhance the education and welfare of all OPHS students.  

Our mission is not only to raise funds, but also to foster a sense of community at Oak Park High School.

The Parent Faculty Association is an all-volunteer charitable organization dedicated to supporting the students and staff of OPHS through fundraising, volunteering, and communication.  

There are approximately 30 volunteer PFA Officers and Committee Chairs who work diligently to help make our school a better place for our students. 

From Registration at the beginning of the school year, to Grad Night at the end, the PFA is an integral part of the school, helping to support students, teachers, and parents.

Here on our website, you can find information about everything - from membership, how to donate, and volunteer opportunities, to how you can help raise money just by shopping with our shop and earn fundraisers.  

Want to learn more?  Come to a PFA meeting!  Held the first Friday of every month, either in the Oak Park Library in the morning, or virtually in the evening.  

We hope to see you there!



Please help us support our school and your students by becoming a PFA Member, and by making a donation to our No Frills fundraiser.  

The money we raise allows OPHS to offer educational programs beyond what State funding allows. 

Every student benefits from programs run and/or supported by PFA.  

Mock SAT / ACT Exams & Boot Camps