PFA Scholarships
Every year, the PFA offers scholarships to OPHS senior students on behalf of its members. This year, we will be providing 5 scholarships. Each award recipient receives a scholarship certificate and a check for $1,000.
PFA decides on a theme for the scholarships each year. The theme for 2024-2025 will be announced in early Spring .
2024-2025 Essay Theme: TBA
Please write a self-reflective essay--around 1-2 pages in length--about (chosen theme). You may submit a creative work such as a video, digital media, painting, drawing or ceramics, if you prefer instead. However it must clearly address the theme. We will be evaluating the content of your essay (or artistic work), as well as all other components of the application for evidence of character, self-reflection, involvement, and need if applicable. Please carefully follow the directions on the Common App, but do not include the transcript or GPA. Your application will be completely anonymous to our Scholarship Readers.
Are you a non-senior parent? Please consider volunteering to be a scholarship reader! We are looking for a few extra people to evaluate applications. Essays are read in-person as a small committee on a Saturday or Sunday in early-to-mid April. There are no special skills required. We do ask our Readers to keep the information confidential. For questions on becoming a reader, please contact Scholarship Chair Melissa Paul at
2023-2024: TENACITY
The students were selected for their perseverance, grit, and optimism in the face of challenges. Congratulations to the recipients of the 2023-2024 OPHS PFA Scholarship Awards:
Michelle Bi
Marina Chukhlebova
Sydney Herstein
Alexa Samuels
Jason Xie
2022-2023: UNI
Congratulations to the recipients of the 2022-2023 OPHS PFA Scholarship Awards:
Yashita Pediredla
Gabriella Avendano
Derica Chiu
Jianning Liu
Matthew Sun
2020-2021: resilience
Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the OPHS Senior Scholarships Awards were again presented in a virtual ceremony. Please watch the video below.
Congratulations to the recipients of the 2020-2021 OPHS PFA Scholarship Awards:
Krisha Thakur
Karen Dotan
Sasha Xu
Lauren Nicholson
Edward Park
Amanda White
Bailey Andera
Jackson finch
Ciaran Ballesty
2019-2020: Balance
Unable to have an in-person awards presentation event due to the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, OPHS instead created a virtual ceremony. Watch the video of the OPHS Senior Scholarship Awards 2020 below.
Congratulations to the recipients of the 2019-2020 OPHS PFA Scholarship Awards:
Caroline Baumann
Maya Bayewitch
Alyssa Flamm
Nicholas Harvey
Rachel Lin
Minana Marsh
Emily Simanek
Hannah Sun
Julia Winck
Please see the winning submissions below:

2019-2020 Thanks

2018-2019: Oak Park Strong
We had some wonderful applications in the 2018-2019 school year. Please see a sample below.
2018-2019 Thanks
OPHS PFA received this heartfelt letter of thanks from Cade Creason, one of our 2019 Scholarship recipients.

Cade Creason & Julie John, PFA President 2018-2019